Hiring & Retaining
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.” -Zig Ziglar
Explore the options available to determine what would be the most effective solution for your organization.

Talent Insights
Talent Insights is a two-in-one assessment that measures DISC behavioral styles and driving forces. This is an optimal test for when you are seriously considering two or three candidates for hire and want a way to be sure of what each individual would bring to the team.

Trimetrix EQ
TriMetrix EQ is a three-in-one assessment that utilizes DISC, Driving Forces, and EQ to give you a well rounded sense of an individual’s behaviors and motivations. This is a valuable tool for deciding who might be a good fit for your team, understanding how your existing team relates to one another, and whether your teammates are all in the right seats for their (and your) success.

Benchmarks are a way to measure potential hires and existing teammates against an imagined “ideal employee” for each position in the organization. This is a tool that can be added to the hiring rubric alongside resume and interviews. It is also useful for determining growth and training opportunities for existing employees who would like to progress within the organization to one day become managers and leaders.

TriMetrix DNA
TriMetrix DNA is a three-in-one assessment that measures DISC, Driving Forces, and Competencies for an all-round view of a person’s skills and style within the workplace. This assessment is ideal for determining growth and advancement opportunities for individuals within the organization. Combined with Benchmarking, TriMetrix DNA is a great tool for choosing managers or C-Suite candidates.
Interested to learn more about the research backing our assessments? Check out our Sciences page for more information.